Do You Realize How Often You Reject Yourself?

 How to find "Yes girls"

1) As you walk into the bar.. scan the environment
Every girl in the venue sizes you up faster than you blink 2) Be attractive (posture, fitness, confidence) The more attractive you are.. The more girls will signal that they want you to approach 3) Common signals to look out for.. - Flicks her hair - A smile - Sits up straighter - Fixes her clothes
4) She's going to be giving you eye contact while doing her little signal attraction dance Hold the eye contact (DON'T LOOK AWAY) And give her a hint of a smile back (smile with your eyes too)

5) This all happens fast Many women may signal you.. Remember your 3 favorite

6) Don't approach immediately Go to bar. Get a drink. Be social with people around you

7) Approach your favorite girl a couple minutes later And don't worry... She's expecting you to approach REMEMBER!!! CONFIDENCE IS KEY.


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